Burnaby Training camp

Hey Peoples,
After some thought I have decided to not partake in the training camp being held at the Burnaby Velodrome this week. I will continue with my current program. I am quite happy with how my training is going right now and I don't think it is wise to change or add something different this close to Pan American Championship selections. I still have almost 2 months until the selections are but I have to start saving some money. The CCA (Canadian Cycling Association) has decided to hold the trials in Los Angles. I figure they are trying to make it more difficult for people to attend, as they don't seem to want to support the sprint program.
Basically the plan is to get my butt down there and kick some ass and make them look my way. Show that they really don't have any other choice. The Pan Ams are the first event of the 2007 season where the points go towards Olympic qualifications for Canada. This will be the first big race and a major stepping-stone to get my shot at the Olympics.
The first major countdown is underway!
Do it!